Monday, August 30, 2010

Aug 30

So the poll I set up is done. I'm not surprised there's only 3 votes since I only have 3 people following me. But what DID surprise me was that the 3 people who voted weren't all in the 'i follow' catagory. In fact 2 of the 3 were not. That means there are 2 people I don't know reading my things. I have no problem with this it just makes me curious. I mean do I know you? Or are you someone who found my blog randomly one day and decided you were so bored you'd read it. I know I've never got a comment from whoever you are, that's fine as well I mean you don't have to comment, the people following me barely comment, I think I've got 3 comments all together and one of them was me. Anyway I just hope you enjoy reading for whatever reason you do. Maybe it's becasue you feel sorry for me, or you're boerd, or you like reading to make fun of me or whatever just hope it's interesting in some way to you.

On a different note today I'm going to a 'goodbye party' for my 2 friends who are leaving to Toronto for school. It's pretty much the last time we'll have almost everyone together is all. I guess I'm excited..

Sort of.

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