Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aug 31

So Stephs party was pretty fun. I saw Sabrina who I haven't seen in FOREVER. I missed her a lot. I also found out who one of the people reading my blog was. And it was one of my friends. I don't mind at all but I'm not doing this blog for advice so when she started talking to me about stuff I pretty much tuned it out. No offence Dawn but I post on this blog and not on the others because my friends advice doesn't help me it makes me angry or depressed. It's why I blog and not talk to people about stuff. Now, I know she'll be reading my blog but that's not going to stop me from writting whatever I feel I need to. So back to about Stephs, it was pretty fun. I was made to watch Moulin Rouge which I wasn't too excited about at first but it's a really good movie. I couldn't get over the fact that the main character was Obi Wan Kenobi though. I kept saying things like 'well that wouldn't have happened if he had his light saber.' But yeah I now want the movie so I can watch it again. Anyway we pretty much stayed outside and talked then when Sabrina left we went inside and watched movies. That was pretty much it lol well whatever at least I got to see people I haven't in a while.

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